Struggling to choose between baking sourdough bread or rolls? Try this straightforward Dutch oven sourdough rolls recipe, a perfect blend of both.
These rolls are as simple as it gets, made from just starter, water, flour, and salt. They're a wholesome alternative to traditional buttery sourdough dinner rolls.
– sourdough starter – water – all-purpose flour – salt
Mix all ingredients together in a large mixing bowl. You can do this by hand or use the paddle attachment of a stand mixer.
Cover with something airtight (plastic wrap, aluminum foil, etc) and let the dough rest for 30 minutes.
After 30 minutes, let the dough rise for 6 hours at room temperature.
Use a bench scraper to divide the dough into 8 equal rolls and shape them into dough balls.
Place the shaped rolls on a piece of parchment paper in a circled shape with one roll in the middle.